Services > Cosmetic dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is an umbrella term for many possible treatment modalities. The most important point here is that all dentistry should be cosmetic. What patient has ever asked for non cosmetic dentistry? But, in the traditional sense of the word, cosmetic dentistry includes bleaching, crowns, veneers, bonding, Invisalign clear aligner orthodontic therapy, and digital smile design. Dr. Feldborg has won an award from the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry for her work combining digital smile design with cosmetic dentistry using minimally invasive treatment modalities.

If you aren’t 100% happy with how your smile looks or you’ve noticed it has changed over the years, don’t be too shy or embarrassed to ask about what can be done. A healthy smile is a beautiful smile.

It is often the case that the “not so pretty” smiles are showing signs of wear, acid damage, misalignment, loss of support structure from periodontal disease, etc. Addressing these issues by repairing the existing problems and protecting teeth from further damage often results in a beautiful smile. The core philosophy behind all treatment that Dr. Feldborg performs is that it should be minimally invasive and comprehensive. No treatment should sacrifice the health and longevity of your teeth in the name of cosmetics.

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